2021紙上住宅建築國際競圖 得獎公告 2021 IRACC Awards Announcement
「2021 International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design Competition」Winners Announced
The awards ceremony of “2021 International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design Competition” was successfully completed on February 19th by live streaming and the winners have been announced by Judge Francine Houben. The project of “Ghost to Host” designed by Puangniyom Pongpol from Thailand and Mah Yi Jun from Malaysia is awarded the first place with prize of US$2,500 and the project of ” Extension of Living” designed by Huang Zih Jhe from Taiwan is awarded the second place with prize of US$2,000. The project of "RECONFIGURING NYC" designed by Marco Moccia from Italy and Chen Ken from Singapore is awarded the third place with prize of US$1,500.
本屆競圖在2月19日舉辦線上頒獎典禮,由評審Francine Houben宣布得獎名單,最後由泰國Puangniyom Pongpol與馬來西亞Mah Yi Jun所設計的作品「Ghost to Host」贏得首獎及美金2,500元。台灣黃子哲則以「Extension of Living」贏得第二名跟美金2,000元。義大利Marco Moccia與新加坡Chen Ken以「RECONFIGURING NYC」贏得第三名跟美金1,500元。
The second ”2021 International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design Competition” is hosted by Taiwan Architecture Magazine, proposed by Sun-Yuan Architects & Associates. Francine Houben, architect and creative director of Mecanoo Architects Netherlands is invited as the Judge and raises the topic of “The Future of Housing-before and after a Pandemic” to echo the pandemic of COVID-19. The total of 328 works from 35 countries has been collected over a period of 5-month submission for chasing the total prize of US$10,000 and 8 projects is selected to the final review after primary review by the Judge. The final review was also conducted by live streaming due to the pandemic of COVID-19 and winners were decided by the Judge after in-person presentations of each team for more than 3 hours totally.
由台灣建築報導雜誌社主辦,上圓聯合建築師事務所企劃的第二屆「2021紙上住宅建築國際競圖」(IRACDC),由荷蘭Mecanoo建築事務所建築師兼創意總監Francine Houben擔任評審,以「住宅的未來–在大流感來臨之前與之後」為題來回應當下全球仍蔓延的COVID-19疫情。經過五個月的徵件,共收到來自全球三十五個國家,總計三百二十八件作品,共同角逐總獎金一萬美金。經過評審Francine Houben的初選審查後,從中評選出入圍決選的作品計八件。決選審查受COVID-19的影響,採網路連線方式進行,八組入圍者親自向Francine Houben簡報及問答,經過長達三個多小時的審查後,才選出本屆獲獎作品。
Judge Francine Houben gives a feedback in the awards ceremony that “enough affordable housing is always a big problem and we never experience the pandemic of COVID-19 in Netherlands and never expect it is still going on. The combination of the 2 things will be a big issue in the coming years. For the submission of 328 projects, we have had many meetings ourselves and with Taiwan team. We found that it is interesting the design of collective spaces is not only for the pandemic but also for local climate change. At the same time, we all learn how to create new ideas and solutions from the pandemic.”
評審Francine Houben在頒獎典禮指出:「對建築師而言,足夠的合宜宅(可負擔住宅)一直是一個待解決的問題,而這次的疫情也是荷蘭從未經歷過的經驗,同時沒預期到疫情仍持續地發展中,因此如何將二者在疫情時期下做適當的結合將會是未來幾年內的議題。針對這次328件的投稿中,我們內部與台灣的團隊也開了不少次會議,發現在這些投稿的項目中不只針對疫情,也考慮了當地氣候等因素而設計出的有趣公共空間的項目,同時我們也在這些項目中學習到新的解決想法。」
The first prize (US$2,500) is awarded to the project of “Ghost to Host” designed by Puangniyom Pongpol from Thailand and Mah Yi Jun from Malaysia. The idea is to reconstruct an infamous abandoned building “Sathornue Unique Tower” to a new affordable and sustainable community to provide a good living environment for low and middle class residents. Francine also gives a feedback that it is a good idea to design an abandoned building. The main street around the building creates an unique appearance and travel flow for the building and this project is not only a residential complex but a vertical village which fulfils the daily demand of nowadays human being.
首獎(獎金2,500)由來自泰國Puangniyom Pongpol與馬來西亞Mah Yi Jun所設計的作品「Ghost to Host」贏得,兩人將曼谷著名的爛尾樓Sathornue Unique Tower 重新改造為新的經濟住宅和自給自足的社區,提供給中下階級住民舒適的居住環境。Francine認為以既有的廢棄建物作為設計發想,是一個很好的出發點。以環繞大樓盤旋而上的主動線作為街景,呈現獨特的建築外觀。本案不僅是單純的集合住宅,更可視為垂直化的現代聚落,其滿足了現代人日常所需的各個面向。
The second prize (US$2,000) is awarded to the project of “Extension of Living” designed by Huang Zih Jhe from Taiwan. The idea is to reconsider the boundary between indoor and outdoor. The different scale of boundary between indoor and outdoor can create different communities by isolated level. Residents can still have a full living with quality in the situation of pandemic effect and constraint of travel. Francine also gives a feedback that it is always a challenge to define the boundary between public and private. The designer treats the balcony as an important architectural component which defines a dynamic transition between indoor/outdoor, private/ public; but at the same time the balcony itself as a space still maintains its special quality.
第二名(獎金2,000)由來自台灣的黃子哲以「Extension of Living」贏得,獲得,重新思考室內跟室外的界線,透過改造不同尺度的內外邊界,創造出能因應不同隔離程度的社區,在面對疫情的影響與外出的限制時,居住者仍能享受完整、有品質的生活。Francine指出公私領域邊界的定義,一直是有趣的挑戰。在此案中,黃子哲將陽台作為關鍵的建築構件,藉以定位室內戶外,公眾與私人領域的過渡,並同時兼顧陽台本身作為一場所的空間品質。
The third prize (US$1,500) is awarded to the project of “RECONFIGURING NYC” designed by Marco Moccia from Italy and Chen Ken from Singapore. The team chooses the location in one of high-density cities around the world-New York City to discuss how to create a community to solve the problem of mix-living among high, middle and low income families in the high-density and capitalized cities. Also, a series of public spaces such as coffee shops, gallery and farms should be installed in the community which can be used by public and residents. Francine also gives a feedback that the project shows an interesting research of important pandemic location: NYC, and its current housing typology. The team give a strong statement which points out that pandemic and climate change are two sides of the same coin. By using the existing method, for example natural cross ventilation in all apartments, the project proves a nice quality living space in a huge housing cluster.
第三名(獎金1,500)則由義大利Marco Moccia與新加坡Chen Ken以「RECONFIGURING NYC」贏得,兩人以全球高密度城市美國紐約為基地,探討怎麼在高密度且資本化的都市中,創造出高中低收入不同的家庭能混居在一起,並在社區中置入各種公共空間包括咖啡廳、畫廊及農場等,讓公眾跟住民都可以使用。Francine本作品展現出對紐約,作為受疫情強烈影響的城市之一,其城市及居住形式的分析。Marco Moccia 與Chen Ken指出疫情與氣候變遷是為一體兩面的課題;並藉由基本現有的設計手段,如可自然通風的公寓單元,兼顧了在巨大的集合住宅體中,各公寓單元的居住品質。
Besides the three prizes, the other five projects are also awarded by special mentioned (US$1,000) and participation prize (US$500) with a wood medal. The final review and awards ceremony are both conducted by live streaming due to the pandemic of COVID-19. Therefore, the complete works of the 8 teams and the recording of final review will be edited and integrated as a special edition by style of e-book to echo the pandemic which has changed the style of living world-wide. In addition, the film of final review and awards ceremony will also be published on our official YouTube channel and website of “ Taiwan Residential Architecture Award.” We welcome all of friends give your attention on the issue of housing development by watch it on line.
【Awards Lists】
First prize,2500 USD
0035/Ghost to Host/Puangniyom Pongpol+Mah Yi Jun/Thailand+Malaysia
Second prize,2000 USD
0031/Extension of Living/Huang Zih Jhe(黃子哲)/Taiwan
Third prize,1500 USD
0225/RECONFIGURING NYC/Marco Moccia+Chen Ken/Italy+Singapore
Special mentioned,1000 USD
0007/Gap: Disconnect to Connect/Chai Yi Yang+Ng Yi Ming+Bong Wei Jian/Malaysia
0148/Housing Re-framed/Inka Eismar+Coll Drury+Jenna Imrie McMahon/UK, Scotland
0235/Weather the epidemic in the community/Yin Jun(殷俊)+Cao Yue Ning(曹粵寧)+Chen Si Tong(陳思彤)/China
Participation award,500 USD
0089/Iso Teract Pods/Wong Kai Yi+Low Xue Yee+Lim Pui San/Malaysia
0286/AirPods/Wong Ka Hei+Chan Yin Tat/China Hong Kong
Official website:www.traa.com.tw
Official Facebook:www.facebook.com/TRAA.RESIDENTIAL.AWARDS/
Organizer: Taiwan Architecture Magazine
Planner: Sun-Yuan Architects & Associate
※ 以上得獎作品將完整收錄在《台灣建築》2021年5月號,Vol.308,敬請期待!
All of the Competition Selected Entries will be placed in Taiwan Architecture Magazine May 2021's issue. Please stay tuned!