查曼加文化中心Chamanga Cultural Center

共好×設計 Design for the Common Good 台灣建築雜誌2022年6月 Vol.321
970 2022-05-30

©Santiago OviedoAtarrayaCPIDMUAS


查曼加文化中心Chamanga Cultural Center

團隊/Team:波特蘭州立大學、東京大學、慕尼黑應用科學大學、阿塔拉雅建築工坊、更多選項工作室/ Portland State University, University of Tokyo,

Munich University of Applied Sciences, Atarraya Taller de Arquitectura, Opción Más

網絡/ Network:設計實構交流網絡/ DesignBuildXchange;議題 Issue:教育/ Education

編輯/Editing:Shannon Turlington;翻譯/Translation:陳盈棻/Ying-Fen Chen



The Chamanga Cultural Center is the result of a long-term collaboration among academia, civil society organizations, and the community of Chamanga, Ecuador, starting with post-disaster relief efforts and research activities after the earthquake in 2016. The project was organized in two phases within a design/build framework, where students design, plan and build in collaboration with the local community and professionals. The result is a 175m2 two-story building located in a 9x15m2 lot. The Cultural Center anchors itself to its context by taking cues from local vernacular architecture, but it also stands out by means of its scale and reinterpreted use of traditional building systems. The center provides a place for local collectives to run their activities while strengthening the community’s ties to its history and the estuary.




Historically marginalized and disconnected from water and sanitation systems, Chamanga faces multilayered ecological challenges. The earthquake that struck the coast of Ecuador in April 2016 accentuated challenges like poverty and lack of public water and waste infrastructure. The building facilitates community-run practices and activities that tackle these larger-scale challenges. A variety of activities, groups, and scenarios had to be incorporated in a fairly limited space; the project had to be open and flexible, yet well-tuned and safe. Several architectural strategies were devised to make this possible in an earthquake-resistant, environmentally friendly, and culturally appropriate configuration.


此計畫致力於災後與社區長期的合作,並透過短期與中期有形的改善成果,來達成長遠的願景。過程中,在地夥伴「阿塔拉雅建築工坊」(Atarraya Taller de Arquitectur)和「更多選項工作室」(Opción Más)帶領廣大的利害關係人,進行田野調查、參與式決策和計畫執行。同時,阿塔拉雅更倡議透過公共討論,來制定方案與實際執行,並經由資源整合來產出成果,過程包含有議題界定和願景規劃的工作坊、發展適當分期策略的專家會議,以及替選方案評估的討論會。


The project aims to material ize a long-term process of collaboration with the community after the earthquake. I t complements far-reaching visions with tangible improvements in the short and mid-term. Throughout the process, local partners Atarraya Taller de Arquitectura and Opción Más led on-site research, participatory decision-making, and implementation with a broad range of stakeholders. Atarraya advocated for public discussions of programming, execution, resources, and outcomes. These included problem-definition and visioning workshops, charettes to develop an adequate phasing strategy, and meetings to evaluate specific design alternatives.




Many local organizations have used the Chamanga Cultural Center to host cultural, ecological, and economic activities. Skillbuilding workshops and technical training demonstrate the center’s capacity to strengthen collective economic opportunities. Oral tradition and music workshops, as well as marimba lessons, point to broader efforts to recover and strengthen traditional Afro-Ecuadorian and Montubio cultural heritage. The center also hosts community actions that aim at strengthening mutual aid networks and other forms of solidarity. An example of this was the fabrication of six thousand face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.




The leadership of local maestros/maestras throughout the process provided opportunities for knowledge exchange, integrating the local tradition of social reciprocal construction—known in Ecuador as minga—with the academic methodology of design/build. This was crucial to ensure that the building was appropriate as well as to strengthen the community-organizing process that the construction was part of. Difficulties coordinating across distant project partners complicated this project. But making the community, Opción Más, and the site the final arbiters helped keep the project connected and ultimately successful. Acknowledging the client’s role as curator changed the nature of the process, allowing it to become as much a social as a construction process.


970 2022-05-30



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