蒙古包創新中心Ger Innovation Hub

共好×設計 Design for the Common Good 台灣建築雜誌2022年6月 Vol.321
885 2022-05-30

©城村架構/Rural Urban Framework


蒙古包創新中心Ger Innovation Hub

團隊/Team:香港大學城村架構/ Rural Urban Framework, University of Hong Kong

網絡/ Network:克利史東基金會/Curry Stone Foundation;議題 Issue:社區/ Community

編輯/Editing:Shannon Turlington;翻譯/Translation:陳盈棻/Ying-Fen Chen


蒙古包創新中心(Ger Innovation Hub)為生活在烏蘭巴托蒙古包地區的居民,提供社區極需的基本設施,它同時也是蒙古第一個沒有政府直接介入,由獨立機構贊助與管理的社區中心。由於蒙古傳統文化中沒有「社區」的字眼,此中心的設立即以培力居民社區意識為重要目標,加上社區社交空間有限,創新中心也提供了當地居民寒冬中,除了家裡另一個可以聚集的去處。建築物多層結構的設計靈感來自於當地的蒙古包,內層以泥磚築牆,外面再搭建聚碳酸酯材料的隔層,在冬季將輻射熱保留在兩層之間的緩衝區。

The Ger Innovation Hub provides much-needed community infrastructure to residents living in the ger districts of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The project is the first of its kind: a community center that does not directly involve the government and is independently funded and managed. In a place with limited basic spaces and a culture that has no word for “community,” the project aims to enable residents to construct a community identity. The building offers an alternative place to go when, particularly in winter, residents are confined to their households. The building’s layered structure was inspired by the ger: an inner room of mud bricks surrounded by an outer layer of polycarbonate, creating a buffer space that traps radiant heat in the winter.




Nomadic residents are confronted with a new set of challenges as they move to the city and become urban. They encounter common problems that become the responsibility of a collective body of people. The project aims to enable residents to address what it means to live together and forge new methods of collaboration. The design also tackles environmental challenges that the climate presents by maximizing thermal efficiency and reducing energy consumption.




The layers of collaboration between stakeholders at each stage have enabled the implementation of the built project itself. The architects worked with Ecotown, a local NGO, to conduct household surveys and community-engagement workshops. Apart from gaining feedback on the design and operation of the hub, engagement brought awareness and encouraged residents to think more actively about what is happening, what they want, and what they can offer. Architecture students from Hong Kong built the trusses and raised the timber structure alongside local carpenters and members of the community. This has empowered both students and local residents to become active stakeholders in the project.




The project has demonstrated a methodology that can deliver impact at different stages of its implementation, so that impact comes not only through the final product but also in the process itself. Introducing knowledge exchange at every step with stakeholders that include residents, funders, construction workers, NGOs, and environmental specialists significantly increases opportunities for change. The project set out to build a foundation of people who can approach the problem of community building in the ger districts with experience, expertise, and the confidence to share their knowledge with others.




Forming the right team is crucial to the successful implementation of community innovation hubs. This requires stakeholders who have established good connections with the community. The involvement of Ecotown as a key stakeholder was essential as they were able to galvanize residents at key moments in the project. Creating the possibility for local residents to participate in the building process brings a sense of pride and ownership. However, it may be difficult to initiate engagement as many workers will take the best-paying and most secure jobs, especially during the summer construction period, and so working on a “community project” may be less attractive


885 2022-05-30



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