魚河護林員住所Fish River Rangers Accommodation

共好×設計 Design for the Common Good 台灣建築雜誌2022年6月 Vol.321
786 2022-05-30

© Joti Weijers-CoghlanNick FrayneUnisA Design Construct


魚河護林員住所Fish River Rangers Accommodation

團隊/Team:南澳大學/ University of South Australia

網絡/現場計畫網絡/ Live Projects Network;議題 Issue:文化資產/Cultural Heritage

編輯/Editing:Shannon Turlington;翻譯/Translation:陳盈棻/Ying-Fen Chen



The Fish River Aboriginal ranger accommodation upgrade on the remote Fish River Station, Northern Territory, Australia, is a design/build project undertaken by staff and students from the Design Construct program at the University of South Australia that aims to improve both climatic and cultural responses that the former accommodation did not address. Prior to the upgrade, rangers were accommodated in fabric-roof tent structures that did not protect against intense sun, tropical downpours, and insects nor provide visual privacy, particularly for different gender groups. Reflective steel roofing, floor-to-ceiling insect screening, and individual raised-bed spaces with personal storage and ceiling fans improved thermal insulation, ventilation, and insect protection, which significantly enhanced the personal comfort, amenity, and privacy of the rangers. The project exemplifies a viable, cost-effective alternative for remote tropical accommodations compared to air-conditioned transportables that depend on costly stand-alone power systems.




There has been a considerable lack of understanding of and empathy with the living conditions of remote Aboriginal communities driven by colonial traditions and economic expediency where community housing and planning are modeled on standardized Western patterns. Community houses are, as a consequence, culturally inappropriate in terms of overcrowding and privacy and poorly designed to respond to particular climatic conditions. The Fish River project aimed to give Aboriginal people an opportunity to live on Country, to rehabilitate and reinvigorate both the culture and the environment, and to propose an alternative model of tropical housing.


奠基在過去與偏遠地區原住民合作的經驗上,此計畫在方法學上遵從幾個清楚的步驟,包括:身臨其境、(向業主與利益關係者)廣泛諮詢,並鼓勵參與本案的學生,思考有別於一般熟悉案例的創新設計與構築方案。基於之前設計實構學程針對偏遠地區原住民建成環境改善的研究,本計劃投注大量的時間於基地參訪,並透過與當地原住民護林員共同生活和合作的過程,進一步了解並處理他們對於住所的需求。本計畫也對原住民土地和海洋公司(Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation, ILSC)進行訪談,藉此完成適於文化、氣候條件與環境等面向的最終方案。


The project methodology was based on a number of clear procedures: immersive, broad consultation with clients and stakeholders; previous design/build experience working with remote indigenous communities; and encouragement of students to think beyond familiar references and explore innovative design and construction solutions. On the basis of research undertaken by the Design Construct program investigating best-practice models for effective consultation toward improving built environment outcomes for remote indigenous communities, the project invested considerable time visiting, living and working with, and talking to the Aboriginal rangers on-site to understand and address the needs for the accommodation. The program also consulted with the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC) to achieve a culturally, climatically, and environmentally appropriate outcome.




The Fish River project has been an exemplary design/build project engaging numerous satisfied students, completed on time and budget, and received positive responses from end-users and the architectural profession. The true success of this project relies on a continuing, comprehensive post-occupancy evaluation, which has not progressed sufficiently to verify overall success. Project accountability is maintained relative to results through reporting by the ILSC as the main financial stakeholder and proponent of benefits for indigenous peoples.




Although the Design Construct program has a social , environmental, and cultural agenda, it is primarily an education program aimed at engaging university students in real-world problems requiring real-world solutions. The Fish River project exemplifies this by giving students the opportunity to engage with indigenous communities, travel to remote parts of Australia, be responsible for themselves and one another away from the comforts and security of city life, and prove that their efforts are equal with professional architects.


786 2022-05-30



6183 2018-10-05
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